Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Call of Duty 5 : World At War

Call of Duty is without doubt the most popular war game series on the market and certainly one of the most profitable Goldesel Activision. To more games of this series can produce, you can turn the original developer Infinity Ward (Part 1 and even numbers) and the in-house studio Treyarch (odd parts) develop. Infinity Ward has Modern Warfare 2007 with a true masterpiece delivered and captivates the players still with the first scenario in modern franchise and mainly because of the brilliant multiplayer on the screen. Treyarch has seen so obviously a serious state, which once again to beat, especially since now back in the right ausgelutschte WW2 scenario is changed. Above all, but the team has so far only mediocre titles such as Spiderman games, and the just released 007-game published. Therefore, it is probably little surprise that World at War does not keep pace with his predecessors can. Nevertheless, it is a good game has become probably the best Treyarch.

Why is that? Well, World at War is almost a copy of Modern Warfare without compromising the level to be able to keep. New look really, apart from a very special multiplayer mode, more on this later, in vain. The Activision tamtam discontinued with a lot of "new" WW2 scenario, which is now in Japan is distinguished at first sight indeed from what we know so far from Weltkriegsshootern, but turns out after a short time as Call of Duty 2, with palm trees and jungle. When storm on the beach with cannon boats, you are once again in "Saving Private Ryan" and also serves otherwise stings on the American side nothing out. The other campaign is well-known Russian, of course, the original way with the conquest of Berlin ends. For a change, there is still a tedious between tank and an aircraft mission. What Modern Warfare is so intense and memorable has made the comrades who initially had a real profile, as well as the spectacular until unspeakably bitter script and ingame sequences, almost totally lacking here. However, you can still differentiate. Part of the Russians at least one constitutes a true "friend" on the side of a permanently monitored and at least a little personality shows that it is somewhat later than irrer warmongers disclosed. In the American campaign lacks any reference person, the one accompanying Sgt Roebuck remains completely colorless.

After all, the sometimes lengthy load times before each mission with great films made bridges, which a lot of archival material and much more beautifully animated timelines, and the harsh voices of Kiefer Sutherland and Gary Oldman offer. Usually follows the start of the mission nor a haunting sequence in which made very clear is why the opponents in World at War to the death deserve. For one thing, the game extremely well: Black and white paint. There is absolutely no doubt that the Germans and Japanese sort of ultimate nasty, nasty, sneaky, sadistic and cowardly, that is full of lust murder throws into battle. The Russians and Americans show later in the game even little grace, but are otherwise naturally-hearted, normal people. This is a great pity, because here we have the cruelty of war times beyond severed limbs and heads of the space can represent. Only once before it is immoral choice whether you are devoted German shoots himself or by his comrades burn leaves. Toward the end of the American campaign may be in a very direct sequence either his sergeant or a rescue other soldiers. Which does not matter anyway because no relationship to any fellow has. The missions work in the historic battlefields chronologically, while one in the campaigns always jumps back and forth. A red thread will be covered in a game certainly guilty but within the missions, particularly in the Russian campaign, reveals some interesting narrative approaches.

Graphically has since done a lot Modern Warfare: While we recognize at first glance no serious difference, but especially the lighting has been significantly improved, desolate yet more water shader against realistic wave movements were exchanged and the terrain and vegetation of the jungle due representation scenario of course overhauled. Although World at War is not against technology heavyweights such as Crysis or Far Cry 2, but still affects the forest leaves quite convincing, even if one of the linearity continue to this. The sound of Modern Warfare is probably still one of the best games on the market, but World at War sets out another: The music is still floating, even the massive explosions, the scenery still tight. Sometimes so dense that you roared instructions on the battlefield does not understand and must Missionslog after watching what you do. The speakers are, apart from the Call of Duty 2 stolen voice samples of the Germans, normally excellent and the 5.1-mixing is excellent.

During gameplay has, in principle, absolutely nothing changed. It is in this richly complex hose levels from A to B and nietet while everything around, what a Wehrmacht uniform or a white armband with a red dot bears. There is still the trigger, you must exceed so that a follow-mates and opponents waves stop. Unlike previous Call of Duty parts Treyarch has the degree of difficulty, however, greatly increased, partly due to the AI is a little cork. Even in the middle stages will be a lot of time with on-the-ground lie spend waiting pointed that the red edges in the field of view but may finally disappear. It not only lasts longer, well enough now to have a targeted shot an opponent to his alter ego almost umzuhauen. In addition, the Japanese seem to the World Cup in handball have won, because before you? S stamp was obtained from 100m distance with grenades eingedeckt. This is just plenty of illogical, but also often for frustration. Not only when you hit straight and was exactly in the moment in which you cover in 2 The same explosive device thrown, but also generally in the missions. Because there are always extremely unfair passages, one simply can drive to white. An example: You should as Russian Dimitri by a German sniper General liquidate. Once you cover in a house makes the shot goes in this coverage and about 20 soldiers, sometimes equipped with a sniper, take cover under their own bombardment. If we now turn to leaf shot strategies, has often already in the second, the man on the parapet Lugt a bullet between the eyes and sees the loading.

Since the levels, especially in Japan are sometimes very confusing, one is often shot entirely unexpected directions. The jungle is poorly accessible and therefore is often directly from the rear erstochen. Currently, erstochen? Yes, because at regular intervals is one of "Banzai!" Screaming kamikaze warriors attacked, which blindly to a run and with the bayonet zustechen. This happens, however, almost ridiculous frequency, also on open terrain, where they simply just cannon fodder of competence. The K.I. But do not just clever and suffers from a number of dropouts. So it is not uncommon that a Japanese and an Ami facing each other, aim at each other and do nothing. Only when you are intervenes, the comrade behaves rationally again.

At least something new to offer, Treyarch has a new weapon, the flamethrower built. This is not only wonderful to grass and abzufackeln level thus somewhat easier to make, you can own biggest enemy hordes at a stroke eleminieren. As the flame thrower is never empty, but simply can overheat, he is mainly in inner levels clearly too strong. As a further "innovation" you can now also Pumpgun in Singleplayer use the short distance to substantial and visible damage among the causes opponents. After World at War saves, unlike the previous parts, not with fountains of blood and flying limbs. Even in the numerous sequences script is not brutality abound: throats are cut and comrades of artillery fire shreds.

The multiplayer mode is basically exactly the same as that of Modern Warfare, just with new maps and a few additional Perks. There are still the same modes, such as (team) Deathmatch, Search & Destroy and sabotage, but it was a bit of class preparation gefeilt and it is now possible to use tanks. Really new is the Coop mode in which you deal with a maximum of 3 other players through the singleplayer campaign can shoot. Fortunately, Treyarch the balance depending on the number of players adapted so that it remains a challenge. , A sidekick to the ground, it can revive within a short time, died of a need all again from the last checkpoint start. A particular delicacy is also the Nazi zombie game mini dar. It is also one with a maximum of three friends in a bombed building and needs to wave to wave of undead Nazis niederkloppen. An integrated system provides money for the necessary weapons replenishment. Very motivating is that all those in the various Multiplayer-/Coopvarianten deserved XP added. Also, the Coop Abschüsse progress of the various players to a common multiplier and pulled together all stakeholders in XP disbursed.

The last two paragraphs are some doubts as to whether the German version also includes these features. In short: no. In the German version USK18 keep all limbs off some script sequences and all symbolism and the zombie mode has been completely removed. Only the blood is reduced in volume survived. Also the flamethrower was defused: There is neither fire nor textures death screams. Because of this large discrepancy is the German version is not with the international compatible, cross-country multiplayer battles are not possible. As SafeDisc copy protection was used, an Internet activation does not exist.(daemon-search)

Story: 7.2 / 10
Design: 8.6 / 10
Gameplay: 7.8 / 10
Presentation: 9.2 / 10
Overall: 8.3 / 10